Instructions for Guests

Thanks for agreeing to be on Cinematic Respect! Hopefully all your questions are answered here, but if not, please email me at!

All You Need to Do is…

  1. Schedule your recording on Calendly. Make sure to tell us which movie you’ve chosen from our list that you have NOT ever seen
  2. Watch the movie. We can help find a legal way for you to watch it and can reimburse you for the cost. It is a good idea to take notes so you remember anything you want to talk about.
  3. Show up to record, and have fun! If you are recording remotely, please let us know and read this page.

Questions we will definitely ask you during the show:

What did you think this movie would be like (before any researching you did, and before watching it)?

What did you think of it after watching?

Tell us a movie, TV show, song or anything that you think everyone else should experience, something you really love!

Do you have any project, business or anything at all that you want other people to know about? You can give out your Twitter, Instagram, Facebook info etc if you’d like.


FYI, but you can ignore for now ( I’ll tell you this right before recording anyway):

Things I’ll ask you right before the show: Can we use your last name? Can we tag you in Facebook or Instagram posts related to this episode?

Be aware that this episode is available to everyone in the world, don’t say anything you wouldn’t want the world to know!

Editing is a wonderful thing, and I heavily edit the episodes. So you will sound fantastic! You don’t have to be nervous! Every episode so far has been fun and guests (and listeners) have been happy with the results.