Episode 16 – Blade Runner

Charlie and guest host Adam Gobeski watch the 1982 sci-fi film Blade Runner with guest Paul Wilcox. We give you the low-down on the different versions of the film (we watched “The Final Cut”) and probe the philosophical implications of having a race of slave robots. Of course, we address THE BIG QUESTION that’s open to interpretation, and much like Ridley Scott and Harrison Ford, we don’t agree! And it would be impossible to get these three together without at least ONE Tim and Eric reference…


First and foremost, if you have not seen Blade Runner 2049, GO SEE BLADE RUNNER 2049! I have seen it twice already, so you are already well behind in this competition!! Well, I mean see it AFTER you’ve watched the original and listened to this podcast episode. One has to have priorities.

There are quite a few different versions of the film, and here’s the wiki page if you think our discussion isn’t exhaustive enough.

Adam was worried someone out there wouldn’t know who Data from Star Trek: TNG is, so if you are one of those unfortunate folks, read here and here.

Adam talks about the scene where Roy dies, then Deckard cuts in with narration in the original movie version. Here’s that, in case you prefer it when movies beat you over the head with explanation.

Good news: Denis Villenueve has somewhat confirmed that the version of Blade Runner 2049 in the theater currently is the final version. Way to ruin our joke with your own joke, Denis!

We talk about William Sanderson, and the first reference is to his role in the TV show Newhart, which we fail to mention. The second is to this Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! sketch title “H’amb”. We think it’s really funny, but your mileage may vary.

Philip K. Dick is one of those writers you have to know about when you talk about movies, and here’s a good article about why.

Adventure Time reference incoming…

Adam mentions the similarity of music from Blade Runner and Doctor Who, here’s an example of what he’s talking about.

And the a capella version of the Blade Runner theme. Pretty frickin’ sweet.

The eminent film critic Roger Ebert gave Blade Runner three reviews. You can read them here [1, 2, 3]

Movies We Reference:

Dangerous Days: Making Blade Runner (2007)

Ex Machina (2014)

The Adjustment Bureau (2011)